The Confessionalists
The Confessionalists
Podcast 6: Strategic Relocation Part II. When?

Podcast 6: Strategic Relocation Part II. When?

How do you know when it's time to break camp and find a new spot? Ray gives us some metrics, based on the Bible, to decide when to move your family to a new location.

The Confessionalists
The Confessionalists
In the Confessionalists podcast, ex. pilot and military strategist, Raymond Simmons presents social confessionalism: all-of-society confesses and covenants with King Jesus. This approach has a rich yet forgotten history. Many are considering strategic withdraw today. Rather than retreating to "community," Ray recommends a covental approach to proactively build civilization at the local level. Enter Confessionalism...the biblical construct to remove curses, secure blessings, and build local Christendom.