The Confessionalists
The Confessionalists
Podcast 2: Purpose of the Podcast

Podcast 2: Purpose of the Podcast

Ray discusses where the Confessionalists Podcast is heading. The goals are grand but achievable. The topics, by God's grace, will be interesting and helpful. Ray tells the story of how he became convinced of confessionalism.

The Confessionalists
The Confessionalists
In the Confessionalists podcast, ex. pilot and military strategist, Raymond Simmons presents social confessionalism: all-of-society confesses and covenants with King Jesus. This approach has a rich yet forgotten history. Many are considering strategic withdraw today. Rather than retreating to "community," Ray recommends a covental approach to proactively build civilization at the local level. Enter Confessionalism...the biblical construct to remove curses, secure blessings, and build local Christendom.